Monday, May 31, 2010

#6 Belgian Tripel

First brew at Dane's and first beer with Jeff.  Brewed on Dane's stovetop and fermented in Dane and Marcy's coat closet.  Thankfully this wasn't a Pumpkin Stout!! -Aaron

The Vitals
Name: Belgian Tripel
Source: Kit
Add-ins/ons: None
OG: 1.088
FG: 1.022
ABV%: 8.66%
Brewers: Dane, Aaron, Jeff

Saturday, May 8, 2010

#5 Banana Honey Brown Ale

Big brew day.  We drank most of the American Amber...which almost cost us our brewing "license" from the wives!
Added 5-6 bananas into the primary fermentation...needed to add more to get the actual flavor.

The Vitals
Name: Banana Honey Brown Ale
Source: Kit
Add-ins/ons: Bananas
OG: 1.054
FG: 1.011
ABV%: 5.64%
Brewers: Dane, Aaron, Steve