Friday, November 25, 2011

#27 Chocolate Stout

The Vitals
Name: Chocolate Stout
Brew Type: Extract
Volume: 5 gallons
Add-ins/ons: none
OG: 1.062
FG: 1.013
ABV%: 6.5%
Primary Fermentation: 11/25 - 12/3
Kegged/Bottled: 12/3
Brewers: Aaron and Elizabeth Maxson (guest brewer)

Recipe (5-gallon)
7.5 lbs - Light DME
8 oz - Chocolate Malt
8 oz - Caramel 80L
8 oz - Black Patent Malt
1 oz - Willamette Hops (60 min)
8 oz - Cocoa Powder (10 min)
1 pkg - American Ale (Wyeast 1056)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

#26 Holiday Ale

The Vitals
Name: Holiday Ale
Brew Type: Extract
Volume: 10 gallons
Add-ins/ons: none
OG: 1.052
FG: 1.012
ABV%: 5.3%
Primary Fermentation: 9/3 - ~9/10
Kegged/Bottled: ~9/10
Brewers: Aaron

Recipe (10-gallon)
11 lbs - Light DME
1.5 lbs - Caramel 60L
1 lb - 2-Row Pale Malt
4 oz - Chocolate Malt
2 oz - Willamette Hops (60 min)
1 oz - Saaz Hops (15 min)
1 oz - Saaz Hops (5 min)
2 pieces - Nutmet (10 min)
6 pieces - Whole Cloves (10 min)
2.1 oz - Ginger Root (10 min)
8 sticks - Cinnamon (10 min)
2 pkgs - American Ale (Wyeast 1056)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

#25 Harvest Ale

Currently don't have the ingredients/details...since it's seven months after brewing that this update is going in...but I need to find. This beer was amazing and had 1.5-2 lbs of fresh wet hops throughout the boil!! Started out grassy, but after 1 month of aging, it balanced extremely well.

The Vitals
Name: Harvest Ale
Brew Type: Extract
Volume: 5 gallons
Add-ins/ons: none
Primary Fermentation:
Secondary Fermentation:
Brewers: Aaron

Recipe (5-gallon)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

#24 California Common

The Vitals
Name: California Common
Add-ins/ons: none
Primary Fermentation:
Secondary Fermentation:
Brewers: Dane

Recipe (10-gallon)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

#23 Black IPA - 10G

Time to recreate a GREAT beer, but this time with a 10 gallon batch.
With the help of Beer Smith, the 5 gallon batch ingredients (from Black IPA #1) were plugged in and converted to a 10 gallon batch. This was an extract brew which required 16 lbs of DME...yikes!! A purchase was made from Austin Home Brew for a 50 lb bulk bag of extract to cut the costs and plan for future brews. Hops and yeast were also purchased, in hind sight I wouldn't purchase yeast on-line again. The yeast was purchased with cold packs, however arrived warm, certainly over the recommended storage temperature. They were still pitched, so I'll report back after a few days, hopefully fermentation will go without a problem.

The Vitals
Name: Black IPA
Add-ins/ons: none
OG: 1.073
Primary Fermentation: TBD
Secondary Fermentation: TBD
Kegged/Bottled: TBD
Brewers: Aaron, and Dane

Recipe (10-gallon)
16 lbs Light DME
2 lbs Dehusked Carafa II
1lb 8oz Crystal Malt - 75L
2 oz Palisade Hops (Pellet)
4 oz Simcoe Hops (Whole Leaf)
2 oz Warrior Hops (Pellet)
2 oz Amarillo Hops (Whole Leaf)
1 oz Amarillo Hops (Pellet)
2 - Ringwood Ale Yeast (Wyeast Labs #1187)

Bring 10 gallons of water to a boil.
Steep grains.
Add DME.
Boil for 1 hour.
Hop Schedule:
Mix all but 2 oz Simcoe and 1 oz Amarillo Pellets together.
Continuously add hops throughout the 60 minute boil.
Cool to 75F.
Transfer to 2 carboys and bring volume up to 5 gallons with additional water as needed.
Add 1 yeast packet to each carboy and primary ferment for 1 week.
Transfer to secondary vessel and dry hop with 2 oz Simcoe and 1 oz Amarillo for 2 weeks.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

#22 Big Nut Wheat (Peach Wheat/Watermelon Wheat)

This beer was brewed based on the need for a good Summer beer. Clearly brewed a little late, since it was 100 degrees twice the previous week, but better late than never.
This was brewed as a 10 gallon batch. All 10 gallons will go through primary fermentation the same. For secondary fermentation, 5 gallons will be fermented as normal, 3 gallons will be fermented on Blueberries, Raspberries OR Strawberries (not all 3, this isn't CRABS) and 2 gallons will be fermented with watermelon. Excited to experiment a little with the finished product and see how everything turns out.

ATJ - 7/4/2011 - The results of the above turned out well. Actually did 5 gallons as normal, 2.5 gallons on Peaches (approximately 6 peaches = 2 lbs) and 2.5 gallons on watermelon juice (approximately 3 cups from about 1/4 of one seedless watermelon). Just racked from secondary into 3 new (to me) corny kegs. They're now under pressure and chilling in the new kegerator (although it's not set up to dispense 3 yet...yet! First taste on all three is very good. The Wheat is light and easy to drink. The Watermelon Wheat has hints of watermelon flavor. The Peach Wheat is a little hazier than the others and has definite aromas and flavors of peach. Really excited to see how these ferment up and pour!!

The Vitals
Name: Big Nut Wheat
Add-ins/ons: none
OG: 1.052
FG: 1.01 (Wheat), 1.007 (Watermelon Wheat), 1.01 (Peach Wheat)
ABV%: 5.5% (Wheat), 5.9% (Watermelon Wheat), 5.5% (Peach Wheat)
Primary Fermentation: 6/12 - 6/20/2011
Secondary Fermentation: 6/20 - 7/4/2011
Kegged: 7/4/2011 (Happy 4th of July...and Ian's 6 month birthday!)
Brewers: Aaron, Steve, Dane

Recipe (10-gallon)
12 lbs Wheat DME
2.0 oz Williamette Pellet Hops
1.0 oz Whole Leaf Centennial Hops (homegrown MI hops)
2/3 Cup Corn Sugar
2 - Wyeast Bavarian Wheat Yeast (3056)

Bring 10 gallons of water to a boil
Add DME and 1.5 oz of Williamette Hops
Boil for 1 hour
Hop Schedule:
0.5 oz Williamette Hops - 0 min
1.0 oz Centennial Hops - 0 min
Cool to 75F
Transfer to 2 carboys and bring volume up to 5 gallons with additional water
Add 1 yeast packet to each carboy

Sunday, May 15, 2011

#21 Polish Pilsner

This beer was inspired by the gift of Marynka hops from Poland.  Marynka hops are an all purpose hops that are only grown in Poland.  They contain high bittering and aroma values.  Our Marynka hops had an alpha acid measured at 12.75%.  A recipe was formed by starting with a modified Zywiec pilsner clone (Polish) and making slight modifications.

Very clear at bottling. -Jeff

The Vitals
Name: Polish Pilsner
Add-ins/ons: none
OG: 1.051
FG: 1.010
ABV%: 5.9%
Primary Fermentation: 5/15/11-5/26/11 (11days)
Secondary Fermentation: 5/26/11-7/22/11 (57 days)
Bottled: 7/22/11
Brewers: Jeff

Recipe (5-gallon)
6.0 oz Vienna Malt German
0.5 lbs Munic Malt
6.5 lbs lbs Light Liquid Malt Extract
4 oz. Light DME
2.0 oz Marynka Hops
1 Tbsp Irish Moss
2/3 Cup Corn Sugar
Wyeast German Ale Kolsch Yeast (WLP029)

Steep grains in 2.5 gallons of water at 160F for 20 minutes
Remove grains and increse to boil
Add LME, DME and 1 oz of Hops
Boil for 1 hour
Hop Schedule:
1.0 oz Marynka Hops - 0 min (bittering)
1.0 oz Marynka Hops - 45 min (aroma)
Add Irish Moss at minute 45
Cool to 60F
Transfer to carboy and bring volume up to 5 gallons with water
Add yeast
Bottling - (Priming sugar into 2 cups water)

Monday, March 21, 2011

#20 - Centennial Irish Red

This beer was our centennial batch (100th gallon brewed) for Big Nut Brewing.  It was also our first ten gallon batch brewed in our newly completed keggle.  Looking to make a lighter beer than some of our previous batches, an Irish Red style seemed to fit the bill.  Dane and Steve compiled the recipe with the help of the Brew Pal app on the iPad to ensure style meets BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) style 9D - Irish Reds.  While brewing, we discovered it takes a hell of a lot more time to get 10 gallons and a larger brew vessel up to appropriate temperatures, even with a full turkey fryer flame.  We also discovered that our newly constructed reverse flow wort chiller as well as the keggle output valve are susceptible to hop clogs (Design improvements soon to occur). - Dane

The Vitals
Name: Centennial Irish Red
Add-ins/ons: none
OG: 1.045
FG: 1.014
ABV%: 4.2%
IBUs: TBD (Anticpiated 38)
Primary Fermentation: 3/20/11-3/27/11
Secondary Fermentation: 3/27/11-4/16/11
Brewers: Dane, Steve, Aaron, & Jeff

Recipe (10-gallon Speciality Grains with Extract)
0.5 lbs Roasted Barley 500*L
1.5 lbs Crystal Malt 20*L
13.2 lbs Extra Light LME 2*L
4 oz Fuggles (pellet) - 5% alpha (40 minutes)
2 oz Kent Goldings (pellet) - 5% alpha (10 minutes)

2 Tbsp Irish Moss (5 minutes)

Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale Yeast (Activator packs / ~2 hours activation)
2 oz Kent Goldings (pellet) - 5% alpha (Dry-Hop / 1oz. per 5 gallon secondary fermenter)
TBD Oz Corn Sugar

Steep grains in 10 gallons of water during heating from ~ 110F to 160F for ~20 minutes
Remove grains and increase to boil
Hop schedule as noted in recipe.
Add Irish Moss with 5 minutes left
Cool to 70F with reverse flow wort chiller
Split wort into two, 6.5 gallon carboys
Add one yeast package per carboy
Add Dry Hops to Secondary Fermenter during racking

Monday, February 21, 2011

#19 - March Madness Maibock (or M Cubed)

This beer was brewed out of necessity. It had been a long time since the latest brew, and Aaron was itching to get brewing. With March Madness (and the 1 year anniversary of BNB) coming up, Aaron decided a Maibock (fermented on Ale yeast) was the way to go. The name worked and it sounded like a great beer. Ironically, while picking up brewing equipment from Steve and showing off the newest member to the Big Nut family (baby boy Ian - 01/04/2011 - see more of Ian at, Steve's wife said, "You should brew a Maibock". Clearly it was meant to be if she could pull the beer style Maibock from seemingly no where. Anyway...down to the details. - Aaron

3/21 - Kegged the beer. After sitting on the hops for 3 weeks (whoops), we racked this into a brand new Corny keg for Steve to take home and hook up to his kegerator. We still went with bottling sugar (4.5 oz).

The Vitals
Name: March Madness Maibock
Add-ins/ons: none
OG: 1.060
FG: 1.010
ABV%: 6.5%
Primary Fermentation: 2/21/11-2/27/11 (6 days)
Secondary Fermentation: 2/27/11-3/21/11 (22 days) - dry hopped on 1/2 oz Tettnang
Kegged: 3/21/11 w/ 4.5 oz Corn Sugar (first kegging)
Brewers: Aaron & Jeff

Recipe (5-gallon Extract)
4 lbs Pilsen Light DME
3 lbs 5 oz Munich LME
1 lb Munich Malt
1 lb CaraPils Malt
2 oz German Perle Hops (60 minutes)
1/2 oz German Tettnang Hops (15 minutes)
1 Tbsp Irish Moss

4.5 Oz Corn Sugar
Danstart Nottingham Dry Yeast
1/2 oz German Tettnang Hops (Dry-Hopped)

Steep grains in 5 gallons of water at 160F for 20 minutes
Remove grains and increse to boil
Hop Schedule as noted in recipe.
Add Irish Moss with15 minutes left
Cool to 70F - add yeast (pitch yeast per directions)
Add Dry Hops to Secondary Fermenter during racking
Bottling - (Priming sugar into 2 cups water)

Well, we had another "blow out", which by the way has a totally different meaning now that we I have a baby!! Anyway, the day after brew day, we heard a noise while tending to the little one, but didn't know what it was. Walking down the stairs, there was a strong beer smell, it was clear then something happened to the fermenting beer, which is kept under our stairs. Sure enough, the top was popped and krausen was oozing everywhere. Below are pictures, you can see the airlock was completely clogged.
Thankfully, I'd already purchased a piece of 1-inch tubing after Jeff's mishap. I quickly cleaned/sanitized everything and vigorous fermentation continued, sending krausen through the 4 foot piece of 1-inch tubing into the pitcher of water.
Note to self...always setup primary fermentation as noted in the final picture (note, fermentation doesn't usually occur on my kitchen table, this is prior to racking into secondary).